
Dec 15, 2014

I made it to Mango safely last week after a long 12 hour trip. Thanks for your prayers! I have been busy settling into my living quarters, learning my way around Mango and getting to know the Togo North team.

Today we had the opportunity to help unload a shipping container full of medical supplies. What a blessing to see how God has provided for the Hospital of Hope.
Also exciting was that this container contained the boxes I had taken to Lansing months ago. It was an early Christmas as I unpacked these boxes some of which contained a few surprises from my parents like m&ms!

Contain praying for us as we inventory and organize all these medical supplies. And as we continue adjusting to Mango. I have running water and electricity but there’s no Publix, Kroger or Wal-Mart to shop at! Please pray that we will continue to grow as a team as we prepare to open the Hospital of Hope.